Concrete Calculator

Note: Requires Java-Script enabled browsers.

The Concrete Calculators help you to estimate three significant measurements:

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Concrete Volume

volume for a pour or placement

Block Wall

volume of concrete needed to fill a block


volume need to fill a column

You can cut and paste values between any of the construction calculators. For instance, you could take the result from the concrete volume calculator (which gives results in cubic yards) and paste it into the volume conversion calculator to convert your results to cubic meters.

Concrete Volume Calculator:

To use the Concrete Volume Calculator, simply enter the width, length, and thickness of your pour, click on whether you are measuring the thickness in feet or inches, then click on the Calculate button. The calculator will estimate the number of cubic yards of concrete that will be required.

Concrete Volume

Width (Feet)

Length (Feet)



Inches  Feet


Cubic Yards Required:

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Block Wall Calculator:

To use the Block Wall Calculator, simply enter the height and length of the wall, click on whether you are filling an 8-inch or 12-inch wall, then click on the Calculate button. The calculator will estimate the number of cubic yards that will be required. Note that this is an estimate. There is significant variation in fill space among different blocks. 

Block Wall

Height (Feet)

Length (Feet)

Block Size

8 inch  12 inch

Cubic Yards Required:

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Concrete Column Calculator:

To use the Concrete Column Calculator, simply enter the height and diameter of the column, and click on the Calculate button. The calculator will display the number of cubic yards required.


Height (Feet)

Diameter (Inches)

Cubic Yards Required:

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